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Daerenal – Creation as told among the Highborne (Part 2)

October 16, 2010

(First Draft Warning: The following text has not been edited and is only a rough first draft version)

Here is part two of the highborne creation myth:

Ijanar became a great farmer and honored his father by the works of his hands, by taking care of all the plants. Kaltar became the shadowless hunter as he strove through the night. He didn’t kill, cause there was no death on Daerenal. He guided the animals to the springs, to rich places of food; carefully controlling that not too much was taken from the plants of his brother. So was harmony on Daerenal, so was the dream of Ilumvatar.  As centuries past by Ilumvatar felt the loneliness of his sons. Even so they had each other, yet the world was huge, so they rarely met. So Ilumvatar created the first of the highborn, of the Dael’kardokai. He created them as man and woman, so that each male Dael’kardokai should seek his wife and unite with her, as Ilumvatar was united with his dream. Among them was Aminalatar, a woman more beautiful than all the stars and wiser than any of her people. She should become the Queen of the Highborn and should never marry, thus no male was created for her. She became a wise ruler and let her people like no one else could ever do. She saw them as they married and felt her loneliness, the price for the great power she had. Even in this loneliness it was her wisdom which called her to stay faithful to her calling and so she did until the day of the light.

To be continued…

(I only post such small parts to keep the post short and also to have something for the next post :-). If you want to have a single document version of the current text/version, please let me know and I can send you one.)

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